John S Dunne invites readers to take part in the great circle of Gods love.
Ghislain Lafont is a Benedictine monk of la Pierre-qui-Vire in France and formerly professor of theology at the Ateneo Sant 8217 Anselmo in Rome Born in 1928 he has had a long theological career in Europe but has received little attention in the United States A Theological Journey Promenade en
Arts & CultureBooks
Last fall hearing Bob Dylan 8217 s 1975 song Shelter From the Storm on the radio several times brought to mind a student from around that time who had written an outstanding paper with that title using the words of Dylan 8217 s song to shape an interpretation of Gnosticism So I searched for th
Arts & CultureBooks
As the generation that fought World War II began to pass from the scene a proliferation of memoirs oral histories and similar works appeared with the aim of communicating to a generation that had not witnessed it the experience and importance of the event Something like that is happening now tha
Arts & CultureBooks
Next year will mark 50 years since John S Dunne C S C fresh from writing a dissertation on Thomas Aquinas under the direction of Bernard Lonergan S J at the Gregorian University in Rome joined the theology faculty at the University of Notre Dame In those five decades he has published 16 boo
Avery Dulles rsquo s first article for America appeared in the issue of May 5 1951 It was already five years since he had published his first book A Testimonial to Grace a narrative of his conversion to Catholicism while an undergraduate at Harvard For half a century Dulles has continued to tur
At a chapel I occasionally attend some worshipers face the tabernacle during the Liturgy of the Word even though the lectern is at the opposite end of the central aisle Elsewhere at a Sunday liturgy I heard the presiding priest begin by invoking the Creator the Redeemer and the Life-giving Spi