Toward a new framework for corporate responsibility
Spatulas, Yahoo and the conscience of a consumer
International trade continues. So do trade negotiations, but with a very big exception: those under the global umbrella of the World Trade Organization have collapsed. At the end of July the W.T.O.’s ruling general council agreed to an indefinite suspension of the “Doha development&rdquo
In a Presidential election year that has evoked controversy about trade, it is especially tempting to cast the opinions about the issues into pro-free trade versus anti-free trade molds. But that dichotomy obscures the real issues and muddles public discussion and decision-making.A little-noticed po
Faith in Focus
“Stop! Don’t Shop on Sunday.” That was the advice of a large poster hanging on a wall of our Catholic Labor Alliance office in Chicago during the 1950’s. We drummed home the same message in our monthly publication, called Work, and in a pamphlet I wrote for Ave Maria Press. I
U.S. trade policies must be “fully aligned with our values,” the new United States Trade Representative, Robert B. Zoellick, said in an interview published in The Washington Post on March 13. “I’m convinced, whether it relates to child labor, forced labor, or HIV/AIDS—a