Is it really inevitable that China will rule the world?
Arts & CultureBooks
China seems to undergo dramatic change nearly every decade giving China watchers new stories to tell Joshua Kurlantzick a reporter with experience in Asia who is now a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace focuses on a new more nuanced and effective Chinese diplomac
Ross Terrill rsquo s argument goes something like this China is not a modern state It has been unable to escape its heritage of empire and authoritarian political systems The revolution against the Qing Manchu dynasty in 1911 and the Communist seizure of power in 1949 reinforced these premodern
What to do about China Steven Mosher thumps for the containment of China by reinvigorating American alliances with its Asian allies denying access to technologies that enhance China rsquo s military making trade dependent on ending human rights abuses and unabashedly seeking the continuation of A
Patrick Tyler The New York Times rsquo s Beijing bureau chief from 1993 to 1997 begins his history of U S relations with China by emphasizing the risk of war between the People rsquo s Republic and Taiwan American presidents have sought to deter such a war and since 1972 have endorsed the idea o