FaithLast Take
My recent visit to the Holy Land revealed fear and depression but also the grit and resilience of a people to whom the prophets preached and for whom Jesus wept.
FaithShort Take
Sometimes 'culture warriors' are necessary. The Catholic Church in the United States has had occasion in our history to be more Ezekiel-like in its approach to culture.
FaithLast Take
To provide quality formation—human, academic, spiritual and pastoral—to our future priests is a sacred duty. We would be able to do this better if we had fewer seminaries, all of them excellent ones.
Arts & CultureBooks
Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan reviews Msgr. Thomas Shelley's 'John Tracy Ellis: An American Catholic Reformer,' calling it "a well-documented yet very readable biography of the 'dean' of American Catholic history."
FaithShort Take
The Catholic Church is not a faction of the Republican Party—and Democrats are not the only ones who sometimes view the defense of religious freedom as a pothole instead of a stop sign.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
Cardinal Cupich and Cardinal Dolan on Section 1557 of the Affordable Care Act: Does objecting to performing gender transition procedures—but welcoming patients who identify as transgender—constitute discrimination? Of course not.
Cardinal Dolan led off the opening evening of the RNC.
Like almost every other diocese in the United States, the Archdiocese of New York is undergoing a serious and daring refashioning of our beloved Catholic elementary schools. Since 1727, when the Ursuline Sisters of New Orleans opened the first Catholic grade school in what would become the United St
Pressing problems Jews and Catholics must face together