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Arts & CultureBooks
Roger Bergman
Erik Edstrom, a veteran of the war in Afghanistan, tries to explain what our recent wars have meant to the people of Afghanistan and Iraq.
Arts & CultureBooks
Roger Bergman
"Stand your ground" laws typically expand the historic reach of the “castle doctrine,” the right in English common law to defending one’s own property.
Politics & SocietyBooks
Roger Bergman
How did freedom become identified with unfettered access to cheap and abundant oil from halfway around the world?
Roger Bergman
One need not believe that ours are the worst of times to believe they are pretty bad—nonetheless it is a time for poetry.
FaithFaith in Focus
Roger Bergman
Roger Bergman relates his experience of Óscar Romero, a model of grace in the midst of desolation from Bergman's personal life to his Creighton University classroom.