America has been writing about Catholic schools in the United States for over 100 years. Among the aspects of Catholic education discussed frequently: the case for vouchers, the need for more lay teachers and the sensibility of school uniforms. An article on this last subject, "Why Uniforms?", prompted scores of reader responses, among the most in the magazine's history. We hope you enjoy reading these essays. America's full archive will be available online in 2012.
"The Catholic School's Guarantee," (pdf) The Editors, August 13, 1932
"Catholic Schools Are Public," (pdf) The Editors, February 25, 1939
"Catholic Education's New Look," (pdf) Neil G. McCluskey, September 6, 1958
"Why Uniforms?" (pdf) Marie S. Myers, Noevmber 16, 1963
"I Teach in a Racist School," (pdf) Patricia Flinn, September 26, 1970
"Catholic Schools—Foiling the Gravediggers," (pdf) Mary-Angela Harper, September 16, 1972
"A Future Without Parish Schools," Terry Golway, December 20, 2007
"Learning Alone: Solitude and Undergraduate Education," William P. George, September 15, 2008
"The Catholic Schools We Need," Timothy M. Dolan, September 13, 2010
"The Future of Catholic Education," A Symposium, September 13, 2010