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James Martin, S.J.March 19, 2013

We received from the Jesuit Curia today this account of the meeting between Pope Francis and Adolfo Nicolás, SJ, Superior General of the Society of Jesus, which took place yesterday at the Casa Santa Marta.  The account was written by Father General himself.  We offer it in several languages, as is the custom for important messages from the Curia.


“At the personal invitation of the Pope Francis, I went to the Santa Marta House, which had been used for the Cardinals present at the Conclave, at 5:30 p.m. He was at the entrance and received me with the usual Jesuit embrace. We had a few pictures taken, at his request, and at my apologies for not keeping protocol he insisted that I treat him like any other Jesuit, at the Tu level, so I did not have to worry about treatments, "Holiness" or "Holy Father."

"I offered him all our Jesuit resources because in his new position he is going to need counsel, thinking, persons, etc. He showed gratitude for this and at the invitation to visit us for lunch at the Curia he said he would oblige.

"There was full commonality of feeling on several issues that we discussed and I remained with the conviction that we will work very well together for the service of the Church in the name of the Gospel.

"There was calm, humor and mutual understanding about past, present and future. I left the place with the conviction that it will be worth cooperating fully with Him in the Vineyard of the Lord. At the end he helped me with my coat and accompanied me to the door. That added a couple of salutes to me from the Swiss Guards there. A Jesuit embrace, again, is a good way to meet and send off a friend."


A continuación la relación del Padre General:

“"Respondiendo a una invitación personal del Papa Francisco, a las 5.30 de la tarde he estado en la Casa de Santa Marta, donde han vivido los cardenales que asistían al cónclave.  Él mismo Papa estaba a la puerta y me recibió con el abrazo con que nos solemos saludar los jesuitas. A petición suya nos hicimos algunas fotografías, y ante mis disculpas por si no me ajustaba al protocolo, insistió en que le tratara como a cualquier otro jesuita, llamándole de tú,  de modo que no tuve que estar pendiente de darle el tratamiento de Santidad o Santo Padre. 

Le ofrecí todos los recursos de que dispone la Compañía, ya que, en su nueva situación,  va a verse necesitado de personas, grupos de consejo y reflexión, etc. Se mostró agradecido por mi ofrecimiento, y cuando le invité a que viniera a comer con nosotros en la curia me dijo que sin duda lo hará.

Hubo total sintonía en nuestra manera de sentir acerca de una variedad de temas que tocamos en la conversación, y quedé convencido de que trabajaremos muy bien juntos, al servicio de la Iglesia y en nombre del Evangelio.

Se dio un entendimiento mutuo con paz y humor hablando del pasado, presente y futuro. Dejé la Casa de Santa Marta persuadido de que el Papa contará con gusto con nuestra colaboración al servicio de la viña del Señor. Al final me ayudó a ponerme el abrigo y me acompañó a la puerta. Esto me proporcionó unos cuantos saludos de parte de los guardias suizos que allí estaban. Un abrazo jesuítico, de nuevo, como modo natural de recibir y despedir un amigo."


Questo il resoconto del P. Generale:

“Su invito personale di Papa Francesco alle 17,30 mi sono recato alla Casa Santa Marta, la residenza dove alloggiavano i cardinali presenti al conclave. Lui era all’ingresso e mi ha ricevuto con il consueto abbraccio in uso tra i gesuiti. Su sua richiesta sono state scattate alcune foto e alle mie scuse per non conoscere il protocollo ha insistito che tenessi con lui l’atteggiamento che ho con ogni altro gesuita, dandogli del “tu”, così da non preoccuparmi dei titoli di Santità o Santo Padre.

Gli ho offerto tutte le risorse di cui dispone la Compagnia, dato che nella sua nuova posizione avrà bisogno di consigli, idee, persone, ecc. Mi ha mostrato la sua gratitudine e all’invito a visitarci in Curia e pranzare con noi ha risposto che lo farà con piacere.

C’è stata piena comunione di intenti su parecchi dei temi discussi e sono convinto che lavoreremo molto bene insieme al servizio della Chiesa in nome del Vangelo.

L’incontro è stato caratterizzato da serenità, gioia e comprensione reciproca sul passato, il presente e il futuro. Ho lasciato Santa Marta con la convinzione che varrà la pena collaborare pienamente con Lui nella Vigna del Signore. Alla fine mi ha aiutato ad indossare il cappotto e mi ha accompagnato alla porta. Là ho ricevuto un paio di saluti supplementari dalle Guardie Svizzere. Di nuovo un abbraccio, un bel modo di incontrare e congedare un amico”.


Compte rendu du Père Général:

« A l’invitation personnelle du Pape François, je me suis rendu à 17 h 30 à la Maison Sainte-Marthe, où logeaient les Cardinaux présents au Conclave. Il se tenait à l’entrée et me reçut avec l’accolade d’usage entre jésuites. Quelques photos furent prises à sa demande. Alors que je lui présentais mes excuses de ne pas suivre le protocole, il insista pour que je fasse envers lui comme envers tout autre jésuite en lui disant « tu », si bien que je n’avais pas à me soucier des titres de Sainteté ou Saint Père.

Conscient que, dans sa nouvelle responsabilité, il aura besoin de conseil, réflexions, personnel, etc. je lui ai offert toutes nos ressources. Il a manifesté sa gratitude. Accueillant mon invitation à nous visiter lors d’un déjeuner à la Curie, il m’a dit qu’il en serait heureux.

Nous avons parlé de plusieurs questions, avec un profond sentir commun. Je garde la conviction que nous travaillerons très bien ensemble pour le service de l’Eglise au nom de l’Evangile.

L’ambiance fut marquée de paix, d’humour et de compréhension mutuelle, quant au passé, au présent et à l’avenir. Je suis parti convaincu de la valeur de notre pleine coopération avec lui à l’avenir dans la vigne du Seigneur. A la fin, il m’aida à enfiler mon manteau et me raccompagna jusqu’à la porte. Ceci me valut un double salut de la part des Gardes Suisses en poste. Puis, à nouveau une accolade jésuite, ce qui est une bonne manière de rencontrer et de quitter un ami. »


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12 years ago
If Pope Francis has a sign-up sheet for volunteers to come and help him in Rome, I am sure that many of us would sign up and go and help :-)
12 years ago
very minor point, but always curious as to which language they spoke; assume Spanish.
Luisa Navarro
12 years ago
Jack Strayer
12 years ago
"I left the place with the conviction that it will be worth cooperating fully with Him in the Vineyard of the Lord." What does that mean? "Worth" cooperating fully with the Pope? This must be a bad translation. Can anyone help with the spanish or french to clarify the intended meaning?
Jack Strayer
12 years ago
Google translate renders the Spanish version as follows: "I left the Casa de Santa Marta convinced that the Pope will be happy with our collaboration in the service of the Lord's vineyard. That sounds better.
Tim O'Leary
12 years ago
What a beautiful interchange! A new start, perhaps, for the relationship between the Jesuits and the Papacy? It was also heartening to have the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople come to pray with Pope Francis at the tomb of St. Peter. I think this strong emphasis on humiility could go a long way to heal a myriad of perceived and real disputes. What could not be solved in the Church if we all desired humility and holiness above all else?
Juan Fernández de la Gala
12 years ago
Very inspirational and hopeful this meeting between two saint men. Everyone knows the style of Jesus of Nazareth in all these small gestures. Something is changing in our Church, fortunately!
Juan Fernández de la Gala
12 years ago
In the backgroung we can see a white orchid, perhaps a Moon orchid (Phalaenopsis amabilis)

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