A new biography of Raïssa Maritain, a key leader of the 'renouveau catholique'
Saying the prayer Christ taught us,we are mindful that in ritual timeHe is still saying, “Our Father Who Artin Heaven.” His words echothrough the Holy Spirit from mouthto mouth, so that when we say,“Our Father Who art in Heaven,”we are mindful that others tooare saying, &ldqu
Body and blood bread and wine mdash these are basic components of the human being and the stuff that sustains human life These basic and foundational realities speak to the ordinary humanity of Jesus and one of the deepest mysteries of the church Without the Incarnation we could not speak of Jes
How do you minister to people who are not simply bothersome, but seriously unstable?
The Collapse at Rana Plaza; The Crash Next Time; Finding Flops
School-choice initiatives were given a big boost in late March by the Indiana Supreme Court.