Inocente Orlando Montano will spend 21 months in prison for immigration-related convictions.
The appointment of a member of the diplomatic corps signals a return to a longstanding tradition.
Some 70 high-ranking Arab church leaders, together with their Western counterparts and Muslim clerics gathered in Amman, Jordan, on Sept. 3-4 for a meeting to deal with the challenges facing Arab Christians. The Christian and Muslims leaders aimed to find a way to end the sectarian strife threatenin
Thousands walked the National Mall and stood in the shadow of the Lincoln Memorial in a pair of events on Aug. 24 and Aug. 28 to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. In 1963, those at the March on Washington were galvanized by the words of the Rev. Martin
If we truly pursue Pope Francis’ dream, it will help realize Dr. King’s dream as well.