FaithFaith and Reason
The whole semantic field of 'tool' and 'instrument' is fraught with negative moral connotations. St. Ignatius’ writings , however, show a different tendency. There, 'instrument' both serves as a central spiritual category and bears a positive connotation.
FaithFaith and Reason
When we speak of the 'hierarchy of truths' in Catholic theology, we need to remember that we are teaching both the essentials—and the entirety—of the faith.
FaithFaith and Reason
Where should a pope who has embodied “the first shall be last” stand in line?
Does canceling the sacraments show a lack of faith? Jesuits in the 16th century didn’t think so.
The dictatorship of relativism and the demise of objective reality
John C. Ford, S.J., (1902-89) has the rather dubious distinction of being one of the most eminent theologians of the 20th century and one of the least remembered in the 21st. Writing in the year of Father Ford’s death, Richard McCormick, S.J., could still vividly recall a time when Father Ford