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July 7-14, 2014

Vol. 211 / No. 1

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Member of Iraqi security forces stands guard in front of army volunteers. (CNS photo/Ahmed Saad, Reuters)
Current Comment
The EditorsJune 24, 2014

The recently re-articulated Obama Doctrine is being put to the test by militants in Iraq.

COLOR LINES. This wall, pictured in 2005, was built in the 1940s to enforce residential segregation in Detroit. The wall still stands, even though neighborhoods on both sides are now uniformly African-American.
Faith Faith
M. Shawn CopelandJune 24, 2014

After the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., James H. Cone denounced the lukewarm responses of mainline Protestant and Catholic Christians to the plight of black Americans.

Faith Faith
Christopher PramukJune 24, 2014

Sister Thea did not hesitate to challenge and even chide the bishops for their complicity in a “church of paternalism, of a patronizing attitude” toward people of color.

The author singing in "To Kill a Mockingbird"
Generation Faith
Vanessa FulmoreJune 24, 2014

When I am forced to deal with the hatred of prejudice, I know my faith will help me through.

Of Other Things

Though Eugene Robinson's principles emerge in his writing, he is far from an ideologue.

Argentina's president Cristina Fernandez has called the hedge funds 'vultures' (CNS photo/Enrique Marcarian, Reuters)
Signs Of the Times

The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear an appeal on June 16 from Argentina of an order to pay a so-called vulture fund $1 billion. That decision lets two lower federal court rulings stand, and Argentina now must turn over information about its U.S. bank holdings. Eric LeCompte, executive director o

ON GAURD. An Iraqi soldier stands before truckloads of volunteers in Baghdad on June 17, eager to fight Sunni militants converging on the city.
Signs Of the Times

Bishop calls on the U.S. to urge Iraqi political leaders to form an inclusive government.