
Bryan Massingale is a professor of theological and social ethics at Fordham University in New York. He is the author of Racial Justice and the Catholic Church (Orbis, 2010).
Politics & SocietyFaith and Reason
If U.S. Catholics seek to embrace Martin Luther King Jr.'s desire to "redeem the soul of America," we will also have to reclaim the soul of Catholicism, which is nothing less than a broad and inclusive love for all, including those considered “stranger.”
FaithFaith and Reason
The centennial of James Baldwin's birth is an invitation to join the ranks of “the relatively conscious” who will help the nation engage in the metanoia needed to become the country that Baldwin constantly believed and hoped it could become.
FaithShort Take
As a gay priest, I was shocked and saddened by the Holy Father’s use of an offensive slur during a discussion with Italian bishops.
FaithFaith and Reason
Observing Ramadan, a sacred time of fasting in the Islamic world, heightens my awareness of the afflictions that so many are forced to endure and the ways our world still needs healing.
Politics & SocietyVideo
A year later, what has changed? As we begin to move on from pandemic and re-enter the real world, are we leaving this issue too fast?
Politics & SocietyVideo
“Yesterday revealed a deep part of who we are as Americans,” said Father Bryan Massingale, in an interview with America’s editor in chief, Matt Malone, S.J.
Politics & SocietyShort Take
What we saw today is a clear declaration that many white people would rather live in a white dictatorship than in a multiracial democracy.
FaithFaith in Focus
Father Bryan Massingale: As Black Catholics, we rejoice because we are now visible as never before. We are seen. We matter.
Politics & SocietyFeatures
What ought to be the Ignatian contribution to the fight for racial justice, given our mission and our values?
What better way to introduce our readers to more black Catholic writers than to ask a selection of black Catholic intellectuals to tell us about their favorite books by their fellow writers?