A Catholic chaplain wrote from the front in 1915, in the face of bloodletting on an almost unimaginable scale, words that have lost none of their accuracy and power across the generations: “War, war, sickening war. My God how long, how long.... Who can resist a cry of passionate resentment aga
This year marks the centenary of one of the greatest disasters humanity ever brought upon itself, the First World War. Not only did it cost the lives of over 16 million people; it also set the stage for other conflicts and even greater carnage in the decades that followed. In fact, its legacy of fea
The drive to kill and conquer has more to do with original sin than entangled alliances.
The Role of ConscienceEditor’s note: Lisa Fullam, an associate professor of moral theology at the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, Calif., a graduate school of Santa Clara University, responds to “The Ethics of Exit,” by Daniel J. Daly (6/9). Her letter expresses concerns rai
Framing the court ruling as a victory for religious freedom, while accurate, is perhaps too narrow.
International service experiences teach volunteers to 'build the kingdom on God’s time.'
Fay Vincent Jr. reflects on an early encounter with death.