The appeal calls for non-violent practice and strategies to be developed, promoted and taught in all Church agencies, seminaries, parishes and educational institutes.
Pope Francis Homilies
'Two gestures...Jesus washes feet, Judas sold Jesus for money.'
Pope Francis blessed the sacred oils that will be used during the Easter Vigil.
Pope Francis Homilies
Even "at the height of His annihilation, He reveals the true face of God, which is mercy."
Pope Francis Homilies
Pope Francis called on bishops to really look at the faithful—not obliquely, but looking them in the eye, so they can see them with the heart.
Pope Francis Homilies
There is something like a “thread of hope” that joins “the whole story of salvation” and is a “font of joy.”
“If we look at press, we see unreasonable attacks with little meaning, that are ill-conceived and very emotional, if not hysterical.”
Pope Francis Homilies
The Christian must discern all things, even when everything is going well.
Pope Francis Homilies
God does not abandon the righteous, while those who sow evil are like strangers, whose names heaven remembers not.
The Vatican “values positively” Iran’s recent agreement with the European Union and the so-called ‘P5 plus 1’ group of nations because “it considers that the way to resolve disputes and difficulties should always be that of dialogue and negotiation.”