News cycle survival tips from an NPR reporter
If (like me) you wake up to Morning Edition, ride home to “All Things Considered” and sip your Sunday coffee over “The Puzzle,” this episode’s for you. We are talking with NPR congressional correspondent, host of the “NPR Politics Podcast” and Fordham alum Scott Detrow about how he keeps his sanity while covering the news in the Trump era.
Scott gives us some great tips for keeping up with the news without drowning in it. One pro-tip: Listen to Jesuitical while bike riding. Also, go to church.
And in this week’s Signs of the Times, our self-described “tone deaf” pope belts out some hymns while at Mass with Charismatic Catholics, and our self-described “evangelical Catholic” vice president says, “American Catholics have an ally in President Trump.”
Next, it has been said, “You can take away a relic of Don Bosco, but you can’t take away Don Bosco from the church or the world.” Well, that’s a relief, because last week a thief stole fragments of the 19th-century Italian saint’s brain on display at a church in Castelnuovo.
Finally, Pope Francis says we must avoid becoming Christians of “the right or the left.” Does that mean Catholics shouldn’t belong to political parties? We discuss and ask our Twitter fam how they describe their faith.
@americaliterary Roman Catholic. Any other adjectives dilute the Gospel.
— Steve B (@StevePoet) June 7, 2017
Hippie Catholic and/or Catholic Social Teaching Zealot
— Pious Pies (@PiousPies) June 7, 2017
When people ask me what I am... and they do... I just say I'm Catholic 😂 not helpful but true.
— Trevor Pullinger (@trevorpullinger) June 7, 2017
My faith is Catholic,and it informs my politics. Adherents of CST might accurately call themselves communitarian, personalist, & whole life.
— Toby D'Anna (@tobydanna) June 8, 2017
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Links from the show:
Vice President Mike Pence at National Catholic Prayer Breakfast
Tone-deaf pope sings at Catholic Charismatic rally
Avoid becoming Christians of “the right or left” urges Pope Francis