We are either human beings, created in the image and likeness of God and endowed with moral agency and free will, or we are merely machines, programmed through laws and regulations, mere code written by the programmers.
When asked who they donate money to, respondents mostly named local organizations, such as those that support the homeless.
The new pastoral letter on racism was approved by the bishops, 241 to 3, on Nov. 14.
The United States spends $81 billion to lock people up each year, and the human costs of incarceration to inmates, their families and entire communities are incalculably greater.
The tragedy of the last week is that the faithful are left to read tea leaves to understand what their bishops and their pope are trying to do in the first place. The Vatican’s action, which in the past could have been interpreted and explained over time, instead provokes a crisis of faith in
The “Catholic Removal Impact Survey of Society” surveyed 133 deportees to provide insights into the effects of deportation on immigrants and their families.