Marie Glancy O’Shea is a freelance writer and editor who has covered travel, culture and finance for publications in the United States and Europe, including The Columbia Journalism Review, CNN.com, and The Sunday Times.
Arts & CultureIdeas
Looking at the Van Goghs we see a few parallels with the Holy Family, who knew humiliation and repudiation.
Arts & CultureIdeas
“The Paradoxical Commandments” peal out a truth that no one wants to hear: Doing right is its own reward. And it was formulated by, of all people, a teenager.
Arts & CultureIdeas
Some of the most buzzed-about shows of the past five years invite us to wallow in the foibles and frustrations of high-net-worth characters.
Arts & CultureTelevision
For three seasons, ‘Ted Lasso’ has offered a potent vision of a better human condition.
Arts & CultureFilm
In an inversion of the typical Yuletide tale, characters who have much less than the McCallisters generously provide them with assistance.
Arts & CultureTelevision
Both the heroes and villains of “Ted Lasso” remain quite ordinary. And it is the show’s portrayal of that daily reckoning with good and evil, those small temptations, that make it easy to relate to.
FaithFaith in Focus
Our democracy demands that we refrain from using party politics as a stand-in for unshakable creeds. Rather, we must practice and honor dissent.