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President Donald Trump delivers his State of the Union address on Feb. 5 to a joint session of Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, as Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi watch. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)President Donald Trump delivers his State of the Union address on Feb. 5 to a joint session of Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, as Vice President Mike Pence and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi watch. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)

President Trump delivered his second State of the Union address on Tuesday, a week late because of the partial government shutdown and with a new Congress in attendance. At 82 minutes, it was one of the longest presidential speeches in modern history, and Mr. Trump discussed a flurry of topics, from the price of prescription drugs to the political crisis in Venezuela, though he characteristically devoted much of his time to what he called the “urgent national crisis” of illegal immigration and his widely disputed assertion that undocumented migrants are a threat to public safety. (“Year after year, countless Americans are murdered by criminal illegal aliens.”)

President Trump characteristically devoted much of his time to what he called the “urgent national crisis” of illegal immigration. 

Mr. Trump did not acknowledge the results of last fall’s midterm election, in which his Republican Party lost control of the House of Representatives, and in contrast to President Obama in 2011, did not formally offer congratulations to the new Speaker of the House—in this case, Nancy Pelosi, who, in turn, was sparing with her applause. But in a nod to political changes since his election, he denounced “new calls to adopt socialism in our country,” presumably a reference to the recent election victories by candidates like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a congresswoman from New York and a rising star in the Democratic Party.

The speech covered several topics of particular interest to Catholic voters. Below are some of the most prominent.


Following moves in New York and other states to guarantee access to abortion even at the later stages of pregnancy (a reaction to a possible overturning of Roe v. Wade, thanks to Mr. Trump’s appointments to the Supreme Court), the president called on Congress to pass national legislation “to prevent late-term abortions of children who can feel pain in their mother’s womb.”

“Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life,” he said. “And let us reaffirm a fundamental truth: All children, born and unborn, are made in the holy image of God.”

“Let us work together to build a culture that cherishes innocent life.”

Criticizing Democratic governors and state legislators, he said: “Lawmakers in New York cheered with delight upon the passage of legislation that would allow a baby to be ripped from the mother’s womb moments before birth. These are living, feeling, beautiful babies who will never get the chance to share their love and dreams with the world. And then, we had the case of the governor of Virginia where he stated he would execute a baby after birth.” Ms. Pelosi, sitting behind the president, could be seen wincing at the last sentence.


While Mr. Trump struck a bipartisan tone in many sections of his address, he doubled down on demands for a border wall between the United States and Mexico. He blamed undocumented immigrants for reduced jobs and lower wages, a claim that clashed with his earlier assertions about the strength of the U.S. economy.

He also framed immigration as an issue pitting “America’s working class” against the “political class,” saying, “Wealthy politicians and donors push for open borders while living their lives behind walls and gates and guards”—though no prominent lawmakers of either party have called for “open borders.”

“I want people to come into our country in the largest numbers ever, but I want them to come legally,” Mr. Trump said, though his administration has implemented policies that curb both legal and illegal immigration. For example, the Department of Homeland Security has proposed measures that would make it harder for legal immigrants to receive green cards. The administration has also sharply reduced the number of refugees legally admitted to the United States.

He also framed immigration as an issue pitting “America’s working class” against the “political class.”

The president alluded to an “onslaught” of caravans from Central America and cited the opioid epidemic and crime committed by undocumented immigrants as justifications for a border barrier. Most drugs that come across the border, however, come through points of entry and undocumented immigrants commit fewer crimes as a group than do U.S. citizens.

“Tolerance for illegal immigration is not compassion,” Mr. Trump said. “It is actually very cruel.”

Criminal justice

Mr. Trump touted the First Step Act, a criminal justice reform law that Congress passed overwhelmingly late last year in a rare display of bipartisanship. Among other reforms, the measure reduces some mandatory minimum sentences in federal cases and gives judges more discretion in sentencing decisions; it increases support for vocational and education programs in federal prisons; and it retroactively applies the Fair Sentencing Act of 2010, which reduced the disparity between the punishment for crack and powder cocaine offenses.

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“The First Step Act gives nonviolent offenders the chance to re-enter society as productive, law-abiding citizens,” Mr. Trump said. “Now, states across the country are following our lead. America is a nation that believes in redemption.” The bill was sponsored by Senator Charles E. Grassley, a Republican from Iowa, and cosponsored by senators including Democrats Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Cory Booker of New Jersey, and Republican Ted Cruz of Texas.

Matthew Charles, one of the first inmates to be released from prison under the First Step Act, was in attendance, as was Alice Johnson, whose sentence Mr. Trump commuted last June.

Health care

Early in his speech, President Trump continued his years-long attack on the Affordable Care Act passed under the Obama administration, boasting that he and the Republican-led Congress had “eliminated the very unpopular Obamacare individual-mandate penalty.”

But later in his address, he called for new health care initiatives, including a new focus on “the fight against childhood cancer.” He also urged Congress to tackle the problem of high prescription drug costs, by passing “legislation that finally takes on the problem of global freeloading and delivers fairness and price transparency for American patients.” He added, “We should also require drug companies, insurance companies and hospitals to disclose real prices to foster competition and bring costs way down.”

The president also vowed, “Together we will defeat AIDS in America and beyond.” Maggie Haberman, the White House Correspondent for The New York Times, observed: “The AIDS epidemic defined the 1980s, when the president became a quantity separate from his father. It is the period in time that many of the president’s cultural touchstones stem from, still.”

Social welfare

As part of his argument that his administration has strengthened the national economy, Mr. Trump proclaimed, “Nearly five million Americans have been lifted off food stamps.” The Washington Post, however, reported that the figure is closer to 3.6 million and added: “Experts say the improvement in the economy may not be the only reason for the decline. Several states have rolled back recession-era waivers that allowed some adults to keep their benefits for longer periods of time without employment. Reports have also suggested immigrant families with citizen children have dropped out of the program, fearing the administration’s immigration policies.”

Last year the Republican-controlled House included tougher work requirements for food stamps in the latest farm bill, but those provisions were stripped out before final passage of the bill; many Catholic leaders, including representatives of Catholic Charities USA, had strongly opposed those provisions.

School choice and family leave

President Trump devoted little time to education in his speech but touched on a priority for Catholic schools when he said, “To help support working parents, the time has come to pass school choice for America’s children.” In a nod to the demands of new families, he said, “I am also proud to be the first president to include in my budget a plan for nationwide paid family leave, so that every new parent has the chance to bond with their newborn child.”

Family leave legislation, like immigration reform, has been a priority of presidents and congressional leaders for many years but has foundered because of a lack of bipartisan consensus on the specifics of legislation.

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JR Cosgrove
6 years ago

The number one takeaway should be render to Caesar what is Caesar’s. What may appear Catholic to one person may be just a partisan reaction and not really Catholic. The Church has a horrendous record when it gets involved in political matters. It forgets it’s primary mission.
Aside: I guess these Catholics don’t think sex trafficking is an issue of concern. America, the magazine’s, sweetheart didn’t think so either. Does Schumer espouse Catholic immigration position? http://bit.ly/2UQklsi

Aristarchus French
6 years ago

Thank you Cosgrove! Spot on, I would have delivered the same had you not. The horrendous record you speak of was an understatement (though I appreciate your patience). I converted to reform Christianity 10 years ago from a cradle Catholic. Hallelujah, I finally understand the Word, the relationship between Old and New, and, in short, my faith, for the first time. One would think that after 2 millenia of entrenchment in politics (as opposed to the original mission of the Gospel) the church would have 'learned its lesson',....silence on Christian Genocide if anything?! I have been surrounded by the RC community almost my whole life and at 64 and a USMC Veteran and retired District Attorney, I am not stupid, yet I see my former brethren dying for some exegesis and exposition on the word and what their faith really means and the awesome Good News of Salvation! and its subsequent impact on the believer, The Charismatic movement only seriously complicates matters, and sadly many RC are making that shift, but it goes much deeper. The Bible is not be ignored but rather devoured. Finally, once again, I see RC kowtowing to their congregations instead of embracing Trump (as I am sure the authors are an example). If you care about America, "now", who else will protect us from all of the above more than Trump. EZ as Earp or the Cowboys.

Dionys Murphy
6 years ago

Leave it to the world's perfect Protestant, J Cosgrove, to drop the usual boogeyman red herring of sex trafficking and implications that brown people are more criminally minded like Trump and his ilk say. Too bad federal statistics plainly show that per capita undocumented immigrants are far less likely to commit crimes than an American citizen.

JR Cosgrove
6 years ago

“world's perfect Protestant” What a joke? Actually I am a life long Catholic with no misgivings the result of 12 years of Catholic education including jesuits. Maybe those who profess to be superior Catholics/Christians are missing something especially when they accuse others of something false. Maybe they don’t understand some things. Maybe their good intentions will pave the way to some very undesirable consequences. All in all, thank you, for always being so consistently wrong.

Crystal Watson
6 years ago

No great surprise that Trump was misleading about the abortion issue. Late term abortions under the NY law can only happen if 1) a woman's health is at risk, or 2) the fetus is non-viable. Passing legislation that outlaws that would mean women would die. And the governor of Virginia did not say he would execute babies after birth. The Virginia bill, like the NY law, would not kill or allow to die any baby that was born alive. Trump is a professional liar.

Jay Zamberlin
6 years ago

That's not the word on the street, IOW, any report aside from distilled pro death Dem rhetoric meant to shield and deflect. Apparently, you, CAtholic you, think abortion otherwise is OK. These "health of the mother" canards have been long ago unmasked. Who do you think you're kidding? We Catholics who believe in life have heard it all, believe me, and there are no more mendacious people than Planned Parenthood and their ilk and their defenders, including, most likely, you.

In a more virtuous era, Catholics left right and center would have burst into unqualified applause over a President who defends, and not just in words, but in actions, life. You represent, to me, and many others, a degenerate fifth column withing our blessed church. Good day and God bless.

lisa connolley
6 years ago

Jay, word on the street does not equate to the written legislation. Catholic's should have the discussion Pro-Life for whom, when legislation states a woman has to have 3 doctors verify that her life is at risk, yet you are saying that isn't good enough, you are saying she isn't worthy of living. Things aren't black and white, or as you would imply Red and Blue. Please let us have compassion for one another, if the woman's life is at risk, why can't we be pro-life for her?

Jay Zamberlin
6 years ago

"The street" = common sense distillation of the legislative language that we've all seen before. This is not brain surgery. If you have worked in the pro-life movement, for even ten minutes, you get to understand the double speak pretty fast. Don't kid a kidder, IOW. This was not any such contrived controversy, it is very real and not inclusive of any such "misunderstanding" or restatement of the actualities. We're beyond that, how about you dear?

Crystal Watson
6 years ago

The pro-life movement is notable for telling lies. The most recent, the lies about PP selling baby parts for profit. Read the article on the NY law from FactCheck.org ... Addressing New York’s New Abortion Law

Lisa M
6 years ago

Lisa C- I'm just curious where all these women have been dying because they have not had access to late term abortion until now? Compassion for all requires respect for all, both the women and their children. Anything less is falling short. If all the reasons given for abortion where applied to a mother with a one year old, we would be mortified and we would demand change. Womb to tomb; until we embrace the civil rights of all individuals, great injustices will continue throughout humanity.

lynne miller
6 years ago


lynne miller
6 years ago

deleted repeat post

Ellen B
6 years ago

It matters that the President lied.

Terry Kane
6 years ago

Crystal, Lisa & Ellen -
Obfuscation is not a defense. President Donald J. Trump did not lie about the 4th trimester abortion.
Gov. Gosnel, er Northam, tells it like it is:

Crystal Watson
6 years ago

The Virginia bill does not allow babies to be killed after birth. From New York Magazine: Here Are the Facts Behind an Abortion Controversy Engulfing Virginia Democrats

Terry Kane
6 years ago


So you believe the "New York Magazine" is more of an authority on the VA bill than the VA governor? It's not even the "Virginia Magazine"!

I will post the governor's statement again for your edification: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB43tfyJdX4

Crystal Watson
6 years ago

The governor did not write the bill. And as we have seen recently in the news, he isn't exactly the brightest bulb in the box. To know what the bill says, one need only read it - it's here.

Terry Kane
6 years ago

So the governor, a physician - a pediatric neurologist - is not the brightest bulb????
You rely on an out of state magazine for medical information, but do not accept the words of the physician governor of the commonwealth regarding a specific medical procedure? OK.
That says it all!
You claim to be a Catholic. Yet you are a pro-abortion, in fact a pro-3rd and 4th-trimester abortion Catholic. Doesn't that make you a "cafeteria Catholic"? You'll have some of this, and some of this, but none of that.
I will pray for you.

Crystal Watson
6 years ago

Gee, thanks ;) More than half of US Catholics believe abortion should be legal, so I'm not alone. The fact that Northam is a doc doesn't make him an expert on that particular bill or on abortion. The facts about the Virginia bill are easy enough to discover, but you obviously have an interest in misrepresenting them.

Sha'Pearl Jones
6 years ago

Crystal, don't play loose with the stats. You're better than that. The data you're using to make that claim includes former Catholics and Catholics who attend mass monthly or less. For faithful Catholics, i.e. those who take their faith seriously, the numbers are overwhelmingly pro-life. So, assuming you are a faithful Catholic, you are in a distinct minority. Hopefully, you are not one like the disgraced Governor of NY who, by his very actions, has excommunicated himself. Furthermore, a recent Marist poll (a poll more recent than the one you linked) shows that the 75% of Americans want substantial restrictions on abortion including 60% of Democrats and 61% of those who identify as "pro choice." So we see that the Governor of NY is a liar. This should come as no surprise given what we already know about this filthy man. http://www.kofc.org/en/news/polls.html#/

Crystal Watson
6 years ago

OK, here from the Pew Forum in 2018 ... "Catholics are somewhat more divided; 51% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases and 42% say it should be illegal."

Terry Kane
6 years ago

If you receive comfort by thinking that killing babies is OK as long as others agree with you, so be it. Prisons may be filled with felons who find comfort in the fact that each is not alone.

In the way the government is set up here, the legislature writes the bills which become law if the executive signs off. The executive carries out the law.
If the executive believes the law allows killing fully born babies, that is what happens. In the case of VA, you can see what is going on from the posted video.

If you believe that what is written is going to be carried out the way you believe, there would not be much need for a judicial branch.

However, if you believe that clearly written laws MUST be honored, think of the Constitution: 1st Amendment - Congress shall pass no law ... abridging the freedom of speech or of the press, or the right of the people to peaceably assemble. Is you speech fully FREE? Can you publish child pornography? Can you assemble peaceably assemble on the street where former president Obama lives in DC?
2nd Amendment - The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. Do you have the right to carry a gun where you live, or do you have infringements on that right?
Despite anything YOU read into a VA bill, if the branch of government charged with enforcement reads it differently, as the current governor obviously must, then the law will be carried out the way the executive sees it.

lynne miller
6 years ago

By definition, there is no 4th trimester. trump cannot speak without lying.

Terry Kane
6 years ago

Lynne -
Of course, there is no 4th trimester! That period is known as post birth.
VA Gov. Gosnel Northam speaks of the baby as if he were still in the womb and "aborting" (killing) him, thereby creating a 4th trimester.

J. Calpezzo
6 years ago

He is a compulsive liar. As well as a traitor.

Bev Ceccanti
6 years ago

Calpezzo: I heard him and I heard the left as well. I rest my case.

Michelle Maddex
6 years ago

I trust America magazine to provide thoughtful and justice oriented news regarding the Catholic Church. I find it disappointing and problematic that abortion is the first issue mentioned in this summary. As we know, a huge majority of the Catholic vote went to Trump despite his horrific record on all matters involving Catholic Social Teaching. Those votes were largely motivated by single issue voters who focused solely on the candidates stance on abortion. By highlighting this before immigration, health care, and criminal justice I worry that you too are speaking to these single issue voters rather than nuancing people's opinions of the intersection of politics and religion that must consider many more ways of understanding human rights beyond abortion.

Jim MacGregor
6 years ago

Nuancing. Huh?

6 years ago

You are simply spouting nonsense. And it certainly is not nuanced.

Stephen Shore
6 years ago

I was prepared to read with an open mind for what I suspected would be a typical liberal bashing of anything Republican. However, you lost me within the first paragraph when you blamed TRUMP for the far left Democrats in their broadening of abortion access and rights ("a reaction to a possible overturning of Roe v. Wade, thanks to Mr. Trump’s appointments to the Supreme Court").

In regard to immigration, what would the far left have us do? Open up the border? Keep it "as is" where there is a gauntlet of varying difficulty getting in? But if you can somehow manage your way to get in without getting killed your reward is you can stay?

The Republican alternative (a big wall) doesn't make any more sense. The wall will just make it a little more challenging to get across, but it won't stop anyone.

The obvious choice is to simply enforce laws against large (and small) business that employ illegal aliens. Make it so costly when caught, that no one would dare employ any illegal immigrant.

The result would be wages would improve for the impoverished Americans (and legal immigrants) and we could do away with the border patrol altogether - no one would be coming over if they were not employable.

The problem is with this only solution that would work is that big business and the business lobbying groups NEED the cheap and voiceless labor that they use to fatten their profits. Both political parties are bought and paid for by the business groups that make obscene profits off the backs of these poor people.

This is why both political parties are not "Catholic" in any sense of the word.

Peter Schwimer
6 years ago

I am not sure why you bothered to print this article or why I bothered to read it. I actually listened to the President, I did not need you folks to regurgitate his lengthy and dismembered speech. It seems to me that the real Catholic takeaway is not so much what he said as what he didn't say. Its always nice to lambaste Democratic Governors but it would have been nicer to be accurate. Its always nice to talk about eliminating abortion rights, but it would have been nicer to talk about how we are going to care for the children and their mothers. Its nice to talk about crime, but it would have been better to be truthful about the numbers. There were no Catholic takeaways in this speech. And even if there were, who knows what he will say tomorrow?

Charlotte Bloebaum
6 years ago

Thank you! The Church has become a one issue Church, with nary a comment here or anywhere else on how to help the mother after we insist she have the child and without any thoughts of relaxing their rules on birth control, which would virtually eliminate the abortion issue. This man is a threat to all of us whatever religion or lack of we are - yet - the Church refuses to call him out for anything only a few articles here in America Magazine. The Republicans in my former Jesuit parish prevented any social justice work from ever being done by boycotting our activities with the threat of withholding contributions. Republican has been the party of choice for the Catholic Church for as long as I can remember - I am 76. Not a Church I can put a lot of faith in right now, sadly. This is NOT what Christ had in mind and Donald Trump was definitely NOT chosen by any God I know. Maga hats OK, kids in cages OK, people in detention camps who did no crimes OK but heaven forbid a useless woman's life saved by a late term abortion which everyone is sure that evil useless female is overjoyed about - oh, and raping children who trust priests OK too. Disgusting. One issue church.

Lisa M
6 years ago

Charlotte- Do you not read what Pope Francis says? Do you not read Church teaching? The problem isn't the Church. The problem is people are demanding the Church fit into their political party, instead of recognizing and understanding the seamless garment of humanity.

lynne miller
6 years ago

Correct! If there were more support for poor women who are pregnant, and for moms who need help to take care of kids, more encouragement toward birth control and adoption, abortion would not be nearly as big a problem.

Sha'Pearl Jones
6 years ago

As sad as it is to see anyone who is pro abortion, at least there are a few among that crowd who are honest in admitting that abortion is a form of birth control for many lazy, immoral couples.

Lisa M
6 years ago

Lynne- Virtually everyone who is pro life is in favour of assisting mothers in crisis, and many participate in such support . The "Pro Choice" side mocks those as being "pro birth", saying they need to support women more, yet they themselves do NOTHING to support pro life crisis centres, and places that support pregnant women in crisis. The hypocrisy is humorous if the consequences weren't so tragic. Pro 'choice' advocates ought to be concerning themselves with the number of young women coerced into abortions, and if not, at least acknowledge abortion and women's rights is an oxymoron.

Charlotte Bloebaum
6 years ago

Thank you! The Church has become a one issue Church, with nary a comment here or anywhere else on how to help the mother after we insist she have the child and without any thoughts of relaxing their rules on birth control, which would virtually eliminate the abortion issue. This man is a threat to all of us whatever religion or lack of we are - yet - the Church refuses to call him out for anything only a few articles here in America Magazine. The Republicans in my former Jesuit parish prevented any social justice work from ever being done by boycotting our activities with the threat of withholding contributions. Republican has been the party of choice for the Catholic Church for as long as I can remember - I am 76. Not a Church I can put a lot of faith in right now, sadly. This is NOT what Christ had in mind and Donald Trump was definitely NOT chosen by any God I know. Maga hats OK, kids in cages OK, people in detention camps who did no crimes OK but heaven forbid a useless woman's life saved by a late term abortion which everyone is sure that evil useless female is overjoyed about - oh, and raping children who trust priests OK too. Disgusting. One issue church.

Charlotte Bloebaum
6 years ago

Thank you! The Church has become a one issue Church, with nary a comment here or anywhere else on how to help the mother after we insist she have the child and without any thoughts of relaxing their rules on birth control, which would virtually eliminate the abortion issue. This man is a threat to all of us whatever religion or lack of we are - yet - the Church refuses to call him out for anything only a few articles here in America Magazine. The Republicans in my former Jesuit parish prevented any social justice work from ever being done by boycotting our activities with the threat of withholding contributions. Republican has been the party of choice for the Catholic Church for as long as I can remember - I am 76. Not a Church I can put a lot of faith in right now, sadly. This is NOT what Christ had in mind and Donald Trump was definitely NOT chosen by any God I know. Maga hats OK, kids in cages OK, people in detention camps who did no crimes OK but heaven forbid a useless woman's life saved by a late term abortion which everyone is sure that evil useless female is overjoyed about - oh, and raping children who trust priests OK too. Disgusting. One issue church.

Bev Ceccanti
6 years ago

Charlotte:...A bunch of stuff. Your comment rings hollow. Tell me one country where the killing rates even approach what is going on and being celebrated here. Would you have said the same thing in Hitlers Germany? Your 'one issue' comment would be ridiculous if it wasn't so sick.

Mike Macrie
6 years ago

Thank you Peter for your summary, I for one do not listen to the President speak anymore because it’s an insult to my intelligence to listen. It’s common for him to support one thing today and later reverse it days later in his tweets. He supports things like drug price controls for votes while knowing his Party will never pass it just to make his followers feel good. On Abortion he like his Attorney Giuliani were Pro Choice when convenient and then when they decide to run for President as a Republican, they get an epiphany and now are Pro Life. The Pro Life Marches have become Republican Rallies, I wonder how many of these same people would be willing to go to Pro Immigration Rallies supported by Catholic Bishops.
Peter your point on the President being against Abortion without any kind of family support programs is just mouthing words for Votes. This is were the Pro Life Groups fall short because they are against Abortion without demanding any government support programs that are going to provide comfort to those Single Mothers, and Poor Mothers who are already in Poverty. It’s easy to mouth the words Pro Life when you have all the means of good jobs, education, Health Care and access to Contraception. For Pro Life Catholic Groups to gain creditability, they need to start putting ahead all of their Catholic Teaching before their political party.

Dionys Murphy
6 years ago

"Virtually everyone who is pro life is in favour of assisting mothers in crisis" -- This simply is not true. Especially among neo-'evangelicals.' It may be true of parts of the RCC, but few 'anti-choice' Catholics end up putting their money or time where their mouth is and simply try to restrict access to women's services and end it there.

Jay Zamberlin
6 years ago

See below

Jay Zamberlin
6 years ago

The "one issue" people only SEEM that way, we do pick out the most GLARING discrepancy between that which our Constitution purports to be, particularly on human rights and the protections of the same, i.e., right to life -- in this case that of unborn and others marked as useless (shades of Hitler, Mengele and Nazi party, you know, the real ones) and the laws "multi-issues" Catholics and abortion opponents advocate for. I suppose you same "accusers" would mark anti-slavery abolitionists in the 1850s as "one issue" voters as well, (and why would one do that, other than to defend the status quo, slavery in one case, abortion on the other).

One doesn't need to be uber Catholic and attend TLMs and say five rosaries a day, or even religious, at all, to be anti-slavery, anti-child abuse, nor anti-Abortion. It is the PREMIERE human rights issue of our day, and 50 million abortions in this country attest to that reality.

Another tid bit, if we DON'T (as a church) raise our voices NOW, THIS is what naturally follows:
"Aborted babies’ BODY PARTS fused with mice to ‘humanise’ them for grim ‘Frankenstein’ experiments in US labs..(Headline).
Abortion clinics have been supplying researchers in the United States with terminated fetuses, parts of which are then fused with rodents as part of a bid to stamp out diseases and save millions of people." (The Sun, UK Newspaper)

6 years ago

Hmmm...Catholic takeaway. Thanks, but I prefer to think independently other than lumped together with a lot of people I don't agree with. Especially when you can't trust ANYTHING that comes out of Trump's mouth.

J. Calpezzo
6 years ago

Anyone who believes that Trump cares about the unborn is a naive fool. Trump cares about Trump. Period. He knows enough to throw red meat to his racist and naive followers.

Terry Kane
6 years ago

Using a quote from Maggie Haberman, of the New York Times, is not a very reliable way to prove a point. She is one of the people Nick Sandmann's attorney, Lin Wood, has sent letters to prior to suing as a result of her "reportage" on the Covington Catholic School debacle at the Lincoln Memorial. She distorted everything that occurred on January 18, 2019 and slandered an innocent 16 year old schoolboy. Why wouldn't she slander and mischaracterize everything about a president she clearly opposes?

Marianne Weston
6 years ago

I got absolutely no take-away in this article, as a struggling PRO-CHOICE Catholic TRYING to stay active in practicing a faith I find more and more misogynist as time goes by. Fourth trimester abortions? Get a grip. Many of the commenters here sound they have totally lost track of what Jesus preached. There ARE Catholics who are good people, living their faith far left of center. As for Trump - from north of the US border we are shaking our heads in bewilderment.

Jay Zamberlin
6 years ago

"Pro Choice (disingenuous euphemism for pro-abortion) Catholic" is a contradiction in terms. That's like pro hamburger PETA. Pro-slavery human rights defender. Pro-female mutilation NOW member. Pro-Tequila Sundays MADD member.

There is no "practicing" of a faith that doesn't including defending the most innocent from the atrocities of modern abortion (pro me, pro materialism above all else ) culture. You'd better go back to first grade Catechism.

Dionys Murphy
6 years ago

"for pro-abortion" - No one is pro-abortion. Pro-choice Catholics simply realize they don't get to force their religious views on the bodies of American citizens contrary to US Law. Plus they recognize the hypocrisy of 'pro-life' right wingers who vote for GOP candidates who are essentially pro-death with the exception of being anti-abortion-rights.

Lisa M
6 years ago

Dionys- Yes, we've been hearing that for 40 years, "no one is "pro abortion". I'm not sure if that brings you comfort, and calling all 'pro' lifers' right wingers makes it easier for you to convince yourself that you are progressive, but the reality is there are plenty of people who are NOT 'right wingers', and advocate for the civil rights of all human beings, like the Catholic faith teaches. That's what is progressive, loving and respecting all of humanity.

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