Vincent Lloyd's 'Black Dignity' is is a profound challenge to anyone who takes seriously the struggle for human dignity, antiracism and the work of dismantling white supremacy.
The legalization of euthanasia in Canada—so-called medical assistance in dying, or MAID—challenges our common values and shakes the very foundations of our living together.
Why are Latinos leaving the Catholic Church? And where are they going? In Phoenix, Grace Walk Church has welcomed those searching for a spiritual home away from the Catholic Church
Dobbs did not dictate abortion policy at any level, but in overturning Roe after nearly 50 years, the court ruling did restore the right of states to set their own abortion policies.
Readers responded to Bishop Dolan's article about the mental health ministry he began in his diocese. Many people suffer and are in need of accompaniment, and the ministry is there to provide that aid.
In his homily at Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica on June 29, Pope Francis called on the 32 new archbishops present to follow the example of Sts. Peter and Paul, whose feast the church celebrates today.