In a message to the U.N. Security Council, Pope Francis expressed opposition to war: “We are all brothers and sisters, journeying on the same earth, dwelling in a single common home.”
In recent months, corporations and nonprofit organizations supporting L.G.B.T. Pride events have faced increased scrutiny from some conservative activists. Catholic celebrations aren’t immune.
Deacon Fritz Bauerschmidt explains to host Ricardo da Silva, S.J., why the rapper Post Malone provided the perfect hook for his homily in this week’s episode of “Preach.”
What is transpiring in Sacramento is part of a long, sorrowful litany of migrants being shuffled around as fodder for the propaganda of feeble, failed ideas.
Four children from Bambino Gesú Children’s Hospital in Rome sent a colorful drawing to the pope, depicting him in a hospital bed, with the message, “Do not be afraid, we are with you!”