I am usually not one to call for big changes or support radical ideas. If the church has worked this way for 2,000 years, I used to think, who are we to change it now?
The coronation of a British monarch is a ceremony that at several points bears a marked resemblance to the consecration of a bishop and which, in its essence and most of its origins, is essentially Catholic.
I would like to offer three anecdotes from my life that I hope will speak to what the Writers Guild of America is fighting for and why Catholics should care.
Sidestepping reservations individual party members must have about being associated with the pomp and ceremony of a very anti-republican spectacle, Sinn Féin hopes to demonstrate diplomatic gravitas and a mature capacity to lead all Ireland.
Too many disagreements cloud the profound and real communion shared among Christians. By literally coming together and meeting face-to-face, church leaders can demonstrate a better way.
Many Catholics like myself who have followed the development of synodality under Pope Francis have been convinced that the decision to open synod voting to non-bishops was all but inevitable.
Dr. Michael Brescia, who prescribed love as an antidote to calls for assisted suicide, died at his home in Yorktown Heights, New York, surrounded by immediate family the evening of April 19. He was 90.
Weddings historically had served as an opportunity to “evangelize and re-engage” young couples, but that chance was being lost when brides and grooms bypass the church altogether when planning their ceremony.