With Pope Francis' papacy reaching its 10-year mark, what we have right now is a church that talks endlessly about openness and welcome, but the front steps feel hopelessly broken down. Who will fix them?
The creative ways audiobooks are being embraced by like Bono or Bob Dylan are creating a new category of content that is different from conventional book publishing.
While many L.G.B.T. Catholics have welcomed Pope Francis' emphasis on inclusion and welcome, they hope for future changes in policies and rhetoric around L.G.B.T. issues in the church.
Pope Francis sees the embrace of migrants as a new ‘frontier’ for mission, a privileged opportunity to proclaim Jesus Christ and the Gospel message, in accordance with his Ignatian worldview.
The fact that Cardinal Karol Wojtyla—the future Pope John Paul II—knew about abuse when he was an archbishop of Krakow, Poland, is neither new nor surprising, experts say.
House Bill 74 would do away with the privilege in a sacramental confession by requiring priests to report information relating to child abuse and neglect that is shared in a confessional.