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People in traditional clothes singing carols at St. Sophia Cathedral in Kyiv, Ukraine, Dec 25, 2021. (iStock)
How is a song used in 100 holiday ads somehow connected to Ukraine? It turns out every carol that we sing at Christmas has a story behind it, some inspiring, some strange.
Fasting, in addition to being obligatory on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, remains a common Lenten practice for many. But there are nuances to fasting that are not always well-known.
a hymnal is open at a candlelit church service
“O Come, All Ye Faithful” is a song almost everyone knows. But where did it come from, and why is it so popular?
Father Matt Malone’s homily for the Feast of St. Edmund Campion, patron of America Media.
In the wake of my reading The Dark Is Rising, one of my New Year’s resolutions is to try to keep pace with time, not lag behind it as I usually do.
As this winter gets underway in earnest, I say, go ahead and break me. Plunder me, take me down, so I can be made new. Maybe that is exactly what I need—not merely a rest but a reinvention.
We might think the battle for Christmas is over words. But the struggle is waged at a far deeper level of our lives.