Responses to Kerry Weber’s “Stop saying the Latin Mass is more reverent” were varied, with strong feelings on both sides. These are a selection of reader reactions.
A close look at the Catholic moral tradition around sin, mercy and confession shows that it developed from its inception pathways to holiness that were collective, merciful, hospitable, inclusive, exemplary and grace-filled.
Given that so many converts come into the church precisely because they have discovered the Eucharist, it seems sensible we should listen to them especially.
Pastoralidad is not a normal word in Spanish any more than pastorality is in English. Yet as soon as you hear it, you know what it means, or at least you think you do.
Catholic Charities USA officials pushed back strongly against allegations from Republican House of Representatives members that its humanitarian responses to the U.S. border crisis were potentially criminal acts.
The case of prominent Jesuit artist Marco Rupnik has exposed two main weaknesses in the Holy See’s abuse policies: sexual and spiritual misconduct against adult women is rarely if ever punished, and secrecy still reigns supreme.
The 84-year-old Jesuit died in a hospital while imprisoned in Mumbai in July 2021 after being denied bail on medical grounds, despite suffering from multiple age-related ailments.