On the feast of St. Ignatius Loyola, Arturo Sosa, S.J, the superior general of the order, had a candid conversation with six young pilgrims representing diverse continents and socio-economic backgrounds.
The Jesuits will begin their pre-World Youth Day program this Saturday with the start of MAGIS 2023, which will bring about 2,000 young people from 82 countries connected with the Society of Jesus to Lisbon.
“The Second Vatican Council has given all the elements; there is no new element given by us. Everything which is there is in the council," Cardinal Hollerich shared in the second part of this exclusive interview.
Archbishop Fernández’s appointment has been met with criticisms focusing on a book he wrote about kissing, his handling of sexual abuse and comments he made expressing an openness to blessing gay and lesbian couples.
In the second part of this exclusive interview with America, Archbishop Frank Leo says Pope Francis “stunned” him by nominating him as archbishop of Toronto.
Irene Vallejo's history of books found an audience outside of the academy because it speaks to present concerns and speaks on behalf of many book readers.
The legalization of euthanasia in Canada—so-called medical assistance in dying, or MAID—challenges our common values and shakes the very foundations of our living together.