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Pew reports that only 32 percent of U.S. Catholics believe in the true presence of Christ in the Eucharist. The U.S. bishops are trying to make that number go up.
With the appointment of 16 new cardinal electors, Pope Francis continues remaking the College of Cardinals with an emphasis on the person rather than the location of the bishop.
Gracie Morbitzer has created over 100 icons of saints that reflect the modern church: They are young, diverse, sometimes tattooed—and no less holy because of it.
I know what you are thinking—a decadent spectacle of wealth, really, that’s what the church needs right now? But hear me out.
Father Matt Malone’s homily for the Feast of St. Edmund Campion, patron of America Media.
John Carr explains how, applying the principles of “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,” he decided to vote for Biden and against Trump in the 2020 election.
Kamala Harris' selection as the Democratic Vice-Presidential nominee has prompted discussion about her ethnic and religious background and what it means for the future of religion in the United States.
A Jesuit finds God in the familiar on the Wisconsin Way
Dialogue in politics is increasingly rare and needed more than ever.
I pray we are merely on temporarily divergent, independent journeys to our best personal selves so that, someday, we can meet again downstream in conjoined bliss.