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a group of jesuits in seminary pose in a 1921 photo
How the spiritual sponsor of A.A.’s Bill W. began his ministry
In 2021 the Vatican launched a unique global theology project: Doing Theology from the Existential Peripheries. What can we learn from those interviewed?
a thinker crouches in thought with white background
The philosophy of Boethius and other medieval thinkers is much more relevant to today's society than we might think.
The American flag flies over the House side of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 4, 2023. (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
For the fifth consecutive session, Jesuit alumni account for about 10 percent of Congress.
Christians have reasons to be hopeful, even in an age of bitter divisions.
When the metaphor of “war” infuses headlines, surfaces in conversations, and saturates all our minds, it can have a profound influence on the life of the church—often with unintended consequences.
cardinal christoph schönborn sits wearing his black clothes and red cap with the papal keys seal behind him
Cardinal Christoph Schönborn said that the publication of Archbishop Gänswein's tell-all book on Pope Benedict's private communications was "unseemly."
A prisoner under escort at the South Western Front during the Irish Civil War: July 22, 1922. Courtesy of National Library of Ireland Ref.: HOG106.
The peaceful sharing of power by Irish political parties that once went to war may be understood as a triumph of the common good.
After years of contraction, missteps and premature obituaries, Barnes & Noble is unexpectedly thriving. Here are three lessons from the bookseller’s turnaround for the U.S. church.
A pro-life sign is displayed March for Life rally in Washington.
It would be wonderful to live in a world where we don’t need to march because every child is protected from violence in the womb. But today there are still thousands of children sacrificed daily on the abortion “altars” of convenience.
A painted sign on paper reading "Goodbye Roe"
Maria McFadden Maffucci is the editor-in-chief of the Human Life Review, a quarterly journal founded by her father in 1975 after the Roe vs. Wade decision.