Friday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary TimeCalendar Date2025-02-21Word app related contentDiscipleship is an ongoing commitment
The Seventh Sunday in Ordinary TimeCalendar Date2025-02-23Word app related contentLove one anotherGod, save me from myself
Thursday of the Sixth Week in Ordinary TimeCalendar Date2025-02-20Word app related contentNotes from a stranger in my Bible
The Feast of the Chair of St. PeterCalendar Date2025-02-22Word app related contentSinners loved by God: St. Peter, St. Ignatius, Pope Francis and usWho am I to you? The question behind our relationships with loved ones (and Christ)
Monday of the Seventh Week in Ordinary TimeCalendar Date2025-02-24Word app related contentSharing in God’s wisdom
Current app curated articles, topics, authors, categoriesTop articlePope Francis had two acute breathing crises MondaySecondary articlesWhat Catholic social teaching says about Trump’s tariffs on Canada and MexicoA prayer for Pope Francis during his grave illnessTertiary articlesI will forever be proud to call myself a student of Martin MartyArchbishop Gallagher on Pope Francis’ health, JD Vance’s Munich speech and Trump’s Gaza plansTrump administration terminates US bishops’ refugee resettlement contractCurated topicsPope FrancisUS PoliticsSpiritualityLentVaticanJesuitsScriptureCurated authorsSam Sawyer, S.J.Colleen DulleGerard O’ConnellZac DavisMolly CahillJames Martin, S.J.App categoryApp labelPolitics term1108App labelFaith term1109App labelCulture term1110App labelVatican term1130App labelScripture term1157App labelPodcasts term53