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Confessions of an independent voter, choosing between Adlai and Ike
From 1949, the editors on the death of Catholic Worker co-founder Peter Maurin
The novelist had a driving conviction that ran roughshod over our weak-kneed answers.
The editors weigh in on Jackie Robinson's arrival in the major leagues

Though he try fiendishly and implacably, it is not given to man to destroy mankind. It was God Who brought the human race into being; it is His Providence, and not man's passion for tearing down, that will bring mankind's earthly sojourn to an end.

In These Pages: From Nov. 4, 1944
Holy Cross Father Theodore Hesburgh, second from left, and the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. participate in a June 21, 1964, rally at Chicago's Soldier Field. (CNS photo/National Portrait Gallery) (Oct. 10, 2007)
From Sept. 21, 1940. No name was more closely associated with Catholic efforts for racial justice than America editor John LaFarge, S.J.

Where earth goes to water.

From 1934, a defense of the church's sexual teaching
In These Pages: September 29, 1934.