The first Protestant ever to be employed as an editor by L’Osservatore Romano, the Vatican daily newspaper, has published a 367-page book on the ecumenical journey of the first Latin American pope.
As a form of solidarity with all living in Ukraine and a prayer for their rescue, here is a form of the Stations of the Cross built from the stories of Ukrainians suffering from the violence of Russia’s invasion.
A small Jesuit school—Saint Peter’s University of Jersey City, N.J.—upset the mighty University of Kentucky in the first round of the N.C.A.A. tournament.
“The Lost Daughter” raises startling questions about the role of motherhood as it comes into conflict with a woman’s desire to achieve something beyond domestic responsibilities.
The St. Nicholas Cathedral School, located in Chicago’s Ukrainian Village, has welcomed eight students who have left Ukraine since Feb. 24, when Russia invaded Ukraine.
“The extent of the abuse quagmire becomes clearer with every study. It will take more than one person, even if he is pope, to drain this swamp,” Archbishop Gänswein told the German newspaper Die Zeit.
This week on “Jesuitical,” Zac and Ashley talk with Steve Katsouros, S.J., founder of the Come to Believe network, which makes a two-year college degree affordable for poor and underrepresented students.