A younger religious sister knows she can't recreate the community of the 1950s, but she has deep gratitude for her own formation, and excitement for what is to come.
Half memoir of farm life, half manifesto against modern agricultural practices, James Rebanks's 'Pastoral Song: A Farmer’s Journey' urges us to return to our agrarian roots.
In 'Twelve Caesars,' Mary Beard analyzes the reception and adaptation of ancient Roman imperial portraits in Western European and American art from the 15th century to the present.
Patrick E. Kelly is the 14th supreme knight of the Knights of Columbus, the world’s largest Catholic fraternal service organization. He took office on March 1, 2021.
Since the spring of 2021, millions of Americans have left the workforce, and many may not intend to return. Humanity’s complex relationship with work is worth revisiting in light of today’s so-called Great Resignation.