The U.S. bishops have been measured in their response to the new administration’s avalanche of activity, reserving sharp criticism on points of divergence while not hesitating to praise him for his actions in areas where they find alignment.
Catholics should affirm the Jewish people’s right to self-determination in their ancestral homeland, acknowledging Israel as a place of refuge and security for Jews worldwide.
I am a woman at war within myself, in sight of two well-armed realities, my faith life suspended in the center. I think of the two sides of this spiritual DMZ as Creed and Culture.
Most humanitarian agencies operate just ahead of insolvency in the best of times, Nate Radomski, the executive director of American Jesuits International, says.
“September 5,” a claustrophobic chronicle of the ABC sports journalists who brought the 1972 Munich Olympics terrorist attack to 900 million viewers, is a story of confidence and failure.
The pope’s address came on the 10th anniversary of two papal documents that aimed to make the Catholic Church’s marriage annulment process quicker, cheaper and more pastoral.