Baltimore Archbishop William E. Lori offered solidarity with the Ukrainian community, greeting parishioners prior to morning worship and listening to harrowing stories of family members besieged in Ukraine.
Matthew F. Malone, S.J., president and editor in chief of America Media, announced today the selection of three graduating seniors to serve as the 2022-23 Joseph A. O’Hare, S.J., Postgraduate Media Fellows.
As the Rev. Andrés Arango poured holy water over the heads of a dozen people on Thursday evening, it represented the beginning of a new ministry for him: healing and helping those he invalidly baptized.
Prosecutors announced charges against former president Alfredo Cristiani and a dozen other people, including former military officers, in the massacre. The list of charges will apparently include murder, terrorism and conspiracy.
As Russian tanks and troops moved to attack Kyiv and explosions were heard across Ukraine’s capital city, Pope Francis spoke by phone with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky this Saturday afternoon, Feb. 26.
As Russian troops approached Ukraine’s capital, Pope Francis phoned the head of the Ukrainian Catholic Church, offering his encouragement and promising, “I will do everything I can” to help.
The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has announced that eight sets of nominees will be cut from the Oscars telecast this year. Their decision is all too familiar to me as a Catholic.