To mark Jesuitical’s five-year anniversary, we are looking back on what we have learned from our guests—Catholics and non-Catholics alike—about navigating the modern world as people of faith.
Just war principles do not require Western nations to practice pacifism or ignore Russian aggression in Ukraine. But they may still guide nations to a nonviolent resolution, and Pope Francis can help.
Enrollment in Catholic schools in the United States rose 3.8 percent from the previous academic year, rebounding from a sharp drop caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
Last year, a record 47 million Americans quit their jobs, and it was not because of laziness. Here are five major reasons for what is being called The Great Resignation.
There is only a slim chance of Vatican approval for resolutions calling for a relaxation of celibacy rules for priests and for permitting women to be deacons.
The limbo experienced by asylum seekers waiting to be admitted to the United States and the traumatic experiences that forced them to leave their home country in the first place take a profound psychological toll.
The Rev. Bryan Massingale is a Black, openly gay Catholic priest. His goal: convert the hearts of the faithful to recognize racism in the church and welcome L.G.B.T.Q. Catholics.
Myles Connolly on American Catholic writers: “I can’t read them, and few others can, for the simple reason that I and the others do not care to be bored.”