Reflecting on the final document of the synod, Archbishop Charles Jason Gordon proposes four marks of a synodal church: relating, listening, discerning and self-emptying.
“Endorsing utilitarian deregulation and global neoliberalism means imposing the law of the strongest as the only rule; and it is a law that dehumanizes,” the pope wrote in a letter to members of the Pontifical Academy for Life.
In 2017 speech to a conference of the World Meeting of Popular Movements, Cardinal McElroy, the newly appointed archbishop of Washington, gives a hint as to how he might approach the incoming Trump administration.
Peace among nations is a necessary precondition for any solution to the climate change crisis. Instead, we have a renewed arms race and a mad dash for exhaustible natural resources.
“Laudato Si’” and its implementation seem to have stalled in the church. We need to revivify our efforts—and to recognize the Christological perspectives of our care for creation and our common home.
Methods of further incorporating “Laudato Si’,” Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical on care of creation, into the life of the church at the local and national level was a point of discussion for the U.S. bishops in Baltimore during their fall general assembly Nov. 13.