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In All Things
James T. Keane
It sounds like someone is torturing an animal while Christmas music plays in the background Thus did one of my brothers sum up Bob Dylan s new holiday album Christmas in the Heart And he s got a point Bob sounds more like the guy who stumbles in the back door during midnight mass
In All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Cambridge MA Here is Mr Manohar rsquo s latest entry to our conversation following upon my recent reply to him The following are his comments with my additions clearly marked and italicized nbsp nbsp nbsp ldquo In this post I wish to consider two difficult issues ndash dialogue and the
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
Early news coverage suggests that the strategy of the bishops of Westminster and Canterbury of downplaying the ecumenical damage threatened by this morning s announcement by Rome -- see earlier posts here and here nbsp -- has met with limited success nbsp The Times notes how Cardinal Levada pref
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
This morning s firecracker announcement by Rome of a new canonical instrument for receiving Anglican congregations en masse see my earlier post here has been welcomed by Anglo-Catholics in the Church of England -- the ones who most matter Forward in Faith the main Anglo-Catholic grouping in the
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
The news from Rome about the establishment of special ordinariates for disaffected Anglicans should not be seen as a re-lighting of the fires at Tyburn Indeed Archbishop Nichols of Westminster and Archbishop Rowan of Canterbury held a joint press conference to put the announcement in the context o
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
Rome today has announced a legal means for disaffected Anglicans to become Roman Catholic while hanging on to their liturgies and rites It is a major move by Pope Benedict XVI the potential negative impact of which on relations between the two Churches was vigorously played down by the Archbishops