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In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
In the latest issue of The New Republic an article by Steven Pinker the Johnstone Professor of Psychology at Harvard attacks the concept of human dignity one of the central ideas of Catholic social teaching indeed of contemporary Catholic moral theology His point seems to be that dignity
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
We will continue the examination of abortion politics this year in the next few days But the results from last night s election were so stunning we need to shine a spotlight on them this morning No not West Virginia It should surprise no one that Clinton with 100 name recognition and a st
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
There have been eight presidential elections since Roe and five of them have been won by Republicans who opposed the decision and ran as pro-life candidates They held out the prospect of appointing conservative judges to the Supreme Court who would reverse the decision Pro-life marchers make thei
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
If I were ever inclined to become a conservative Republican I would only have to read the latest press release from Bill Donohue s Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights to be dissuaded Donohue has called for Obama s Catholic Advisory Board to resign en masse because none of them sta
In All Things
Tom Beaudoin
A wonderful day has been passed in the company of my wife s and therefore my extended family and friends at a bar mitzvah celebration in Brooklyn A few notes from the day I was nearly stricken by a mysterium tremendum et fascinans when the bimah became study-desk as the young man of t
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
The Washington Post has a front page story this morning that details the intense lobbying effort that persuaded Sen John McCain to support a land swap in Arizona that benefited one of his principal fundraisers at the expense of the government A gaggle of former McCain employees worked on the deal