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In All Things
James T. Keane
Enough the Resurrection A heart s-clarion Away grief s gasping joyless days dejection Across my foundering deck shone A beacon an eternal beam Flesh fade and mortal trash Fall to the residuary worm world s wildfire leave but ash In a flash at a trumpet crash I am all at once w
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Word has reached us that Jon Hassler has died at his home in Collegeville Minn at the age of 74 One of the great novelists of our time his books including North of Hope Staggerford Dear James and Grand Opening examined with infinite compassion the lives of the re
In All Things
Tim Reidy
The wonderful British actor Paul Scofield has died I first saw A Man for All Seasons in high school and was mesmerized by it I haven t seen watched in years but reading a few lines from Robert Bolt s screenplay brought the scenes vividly to life Here s Thomas talking to his daughter M
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
It would be difficult to conjure up a more offensive tirade to ethnic Catholic ears than the one Barack Obama s pastor delivered after 9 11 about chickens coming home to roost Catholics do not have a monopoly on patriotism by any means but patriotism has a monopoly on the American Catholic mind
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Sending out hundreds of Easter cards this year Attending way too many Easter parties Doing some last-minute shopping for gifts to place under your Easter tree Getting tired of all those Easter-themed specials on television I didn t think so How does Easter resist the commercialism tha
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
The New Deal Coalition drew the adherence of Catholics because it overlapped so obviously with the dominant themes in Catholic teachings about social justice Msgr John A Ryan who headed the Social Action Department of the Bishops Conference was so devoted to FDR and his programs that he earne