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In All Things
James T. Keane
As I ve been preparing for a new semester of teaching at Fordham a course on Catholic novels I ve been rereading Flannery O Connor s brilliant essay collection Mystery and Manners One of the essays included in that volume edited by Sally and Robert Fitzgerald was originally published
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
With the blessing of the Holy Father granted the 20th of June 2005 and after having obtained a positive vote from the Assistants for provident care and from the Provincials of the whole Society on the seriousness of the reasons to resign I present now to the judgement of the General Congregation
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Sen Hillary Clinton tried to trumpet her political prowess while disparaging the verbal skills of her opponent Sen Barack Obama with a lesson from history Here is what she said Dr King s dream began to be realized when President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act Now there is no rea
In All Things
Matt Malone, S.J.
On Meet the Press this morning Senator Hillary Clinton accused her host Tim Russert of being Jesuitical in his argumentation The Jesuit-educated Russert Canisius High School in Buffalo N Y and John Carroll University in Cleveland was pressing Senator Clinton on her 2002 vote to authori
In All Things
Tim Reidy
As some of you no doubt noticed author and occasional America contributor Michael Sean Winters has joined the ranks of our bloggers Michael has written for The New Republic and Slate and is the author of the forthcoming Left at the Altar How the Democrats Lost the Catholics and How the Catholic
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Pollsters and pundits have been beating themselves up since they failed to predict Hillary Clinton s surprise victory in the New Hampshire primary But the pollsters were not that far off Polls estimated that Barack Obama would receive between 36 and 42 percent of the vote and he captured 36 J