This month mdash April mdash will mark the 150th anniversary of the end of the conflict that has come to be known as the American Civil War Also called ldquo The War Between the States rdquo it was also referred to as the ldquo War between Brothers rdquo nbsp While the war was fought on many
Congratulations to America editors James Martin S J and Kerry Weber who double-teamed the Christopher Awards today Jim Martin earned his for Jesus A Pilgrimage Harper One Harper Collins Publishers and Kerry Weber won in the same ldquo books for adults rdquo category with Mercy in the City
Cambridge MA As you know by now the Bhagavad Gita is a complex multi-level text that explores the nature of self the world action and God and proposes as its ideal mdash nbsp or one of its ideals mdash detached action playing one rsquo s role in the world without care for personal bene