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In All Things
Lisa A. Baglione
The news that Putin "probably" approved the murder of Alexander Litvinenko is the latest in a long list of his violent acts.
In All Things
William E. Lori
Archbishop Lori: Today conscience protections for people with moral or religious objections to abortion are being taken away.
Kristan Hawkins (Students for Life of America)
In All Things
Sean Salai
"An unplanned pregnancy can be terrifying. The pro-life movement needs to show America that being pro-life is being pro-woman."
In All Things
Sidney Callahan
A throwaway culture of conspicuous consumption and waste ends up throwing away people.
Deacon Greg Kandra (photo provided)
FaithIn All Things
Sean Salai
'I pray that somehow through my online ...I’ve been able make this vocation come alive for people.'
In All Things
Joseph McAuley
To popes or presidents, kings or simple people, his message was the same: service, faith, fairness, dignity, brotherhood.