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In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
There is a time and a place for coming together and a time and a place for separation and distinguishing We American generally applaud the separation of Church and State for example even though we collectively turn our thoughts heavenward on Thanksgiving Day This weekend the walls in our culture
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
There has only been one story this week in the UK -- and it s not a pretty one Starting last Thursday the Telegraph has been daily publishing details of MPs expenses claims made possible by a new Freedom of Information Act and some assiduous leaking What has been uncovered is a snouts-in-the-tr
In All Things
Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Cambridge MA On May 3 Swami Sarvagatananda a senior monk of the Ramakrishna Vedanta Society and long-time head of the Vedanta Society in Boston died at the age of 96 While his death did not make national headlines it is good to reflect for a moment on his life and its meaning so I will tell
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Drew Christiansen
On his arrival in Jordan today Pope Benedict spoke of himself as a pilgrim of peace He came he said with ldquo the intention to pray for the precious gift of unity and peace most specifically for the Middle East Peace for individuals for communities peace for Jerusalem for the Holy Land
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
One of the nbsp great things about John Coleman S J is nbsp his ability to write nbsp on seemingly any topic with great grace and lucidity--from theology to sociology and more recently for nbsp America nbsp on art nbsp Here is Fr Coleman a sociologist associate pastor at St Ignatius Churc
In All Things
George M. Anderson
Paying immigrants to go home has become an increasingly frequent method in some countries for dealing with the global downturn in the economy The Czech Republic Spain and Japan have all taken this approach to offsetting the crisis caused by job layoffs The Czech Republic is offering payments of h