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In All Things
Drew Christiansen
nbsp ldquo The evil men do lives after them the good is oft interred with their bones rdquo nbsp As Pope Benedict XVI makes his way through the Holy Land his mistakes and gaffes haunt the reporting on his trip His course corrections his initiatives and extensions of well-regarded policies
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
L rsquo Osservatore Romano the official newspaper of the Vatican has struck another blow for sanity within the Church Last week it featured an article that assessed the first 100 days of the Obama presidency with balance and with no sense of alarm This week it did the same with the soon to be
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Jim McDermott
Last week New York Magazine published a great profile of well-known author Gay Talese who is writing a new book about his 50-year marriage to Nan A Talese a long-time publisher at Random House nbsp Talese gained particular notoriety after publishing Thy Neighbor s Wife a provocative expose on
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James Martin, S.J.
More on the protean complicated soon-to-be-Blessed John Henry Newman in the newly rescued Boston Globe Because of his protean mind and voluminous writings then he is beloved by groups that are often at loggerheads More traditional Catholics admire Newman s elegant apologias for Catholicism
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
I love Chris Matthews He has an uncanny ability to locate his interlocutor rsquo s jugular and go for it So it was the last two nights when he was discussing the GOP rsquo s credibility or lack thereof on scientific issues Tuesday night in a discussion with GOP Conference Chairman Mike Spence
In All Things
Peter Schineller
CONGRATULATIONS 100 Years Old nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp nbsp ldquo The Pontifical Biblical Institute P B I is a university-level institution of the Holy See It was established by Pope Pius X with the Apostolic Letter Vinea electa of May 7 1909 in order to be a center of higher studie