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In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
The ongoing debate over Pope Benedict s decision to lift the ban of excommunication on four bishop-members of the Society of St Pius X has been split into to general discussions First the currently nbsp more explosive issue of the reception of Bishop Williamson into nbsp full communion with
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
It is nbsp distressing to find that The New Republic a magazine for which I have written over the years has given Damon Linker the author of Theocons a blog on their website I was even more distressed to find what I can only characterize as bigotry in one of his first postings Linker writes ab
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
Robert Mickens the Rome correspondent for the London Tablet has a lengthy article on the SSPX saga in this week s Tablet here nbsp He also sent us this much more nbsp personal reflection which he has allowed us to post here Pope Benedict XVI said at his general audience on Wednesday that the
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Estupido What else to call GOP opposition in the Senate to the State Children rsquo s Health Insurance Program SCHIP expanding the program to include 4 million more children all of it funded by an always advisable raise in the federal cigarette tax The vote was 66-32 largely along party lines
In All Things
John A. Coleman
Like many other concerned citizens who are not specialists in climatology I have regularly looked for some helpful keys to understand and assess the many controverted claims about global warming How fast is it happening How urgent is it that we act now At what level of parts per million can we t
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
President Obama rsquo s stimulus proposal failed to garner a single Republican vote in the House yesterday Their objections were many but were they legitimate On balance no but neither were the defenders of the bill examples of reasonableness Objection 1 This bill contains pork barrel spending