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In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
The President-Elect needs to focus like a laser on the economic crisis once he takes office next month Not only is there a great deal of human suffering wrapped inside the rising unemployment numbers but a host of other governmental challenges become more difficult the longer the economic downturn
In All Things
Sidney Callahan
As a pro life grandmother I am grateful for the moral teaching of the new Vatican Instruction Dignitas Personae I d also like to voice to a few added points on family concerns First off all of us who recognize the conceptus as a new member of the human family will be happy to find the embry
In All Things
John A. Coleman
It is not usual to commemorate especially 27th anniversaries Perhaps fittingly since he died at age 27 the 27th anniversary of Bobby Sands lingering death by hunger strike at Long Kesh prison in Northern Ireland in 1981 gets powerfully evoked and the complex issues around it penetratingly r
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Every undergraduate in political science has the same epiphany when they first see the set of bound volumes known as the federal tax code Why not get rid of all those special interest tax breaks and deductions and lower the tax rate for everybody The idea like the Roman Rite has a noble simplici
In All Things
Tim Reidy
For those culture vultures out there America has just posted two Web-only items of note The first is a review of the film Doubt by Michael V Tueth S J a professor of communications at Fordham University and a frequent contributor to our pages Doubt of course is based on the Tony-award win
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
From the New York Province of the Society of Jesus Archbishop Sambi the papal nuncio to the U S has sent word to the New York Province that Edward Cardinal Egan has been designated by the Holy Father to preside at Thursday s funeral Mass for Avery Cardinal Dulles SJ nbsp Archbishop Sambi wi