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In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
When it came time to promote new generals Napoleon would consult with his military aides They would brief the emperor on the education and experience of those seeking elevation in the ranks Yes yes Napoleon would reply But is he lucky Barack Obama is lucky His opponent John McCain gave h
In All Things
Jim McDermott
The newest funny viral video a MoveOn com parody of a don t do drugs-type ad with young celebrities advising their friends about dealing with parents who want to vote McCain One of the most interesting parts of the 2008 campaign has been the use of viral videos to draw attention and sway opinion
In All Things
Michael Sean Winters
Barack Obama and John McCain both unveiled plans to deal with the economic crisis this week Unfortunately if unsurprisingly both plans had less to do with fixing the economy and more to do with winning the election Obama proposed several distinct ideas in his plan and most of them were unobjecti
In All Things
Austen Ivereigh
Now that taxpayers on both sides of the Atlantic have woken up to find they are shareholders in their own banks governments are going to begin asserting a little shareholder power on behalf of their citizens nbsp In a few days Gordon Brown the British prime minister has managed partially to nat
In All Things
James Martin, S.J.
See nbsp how David van Biema at Time and a few others answer that question something that nbsp a lot of people are asking in these parlous financial times nbsp Maybe the psalms can help you more than you think with your worries about mortgage-backed securities and your retirement plans James
In All Things
Sidney Callahan
Snap crackle and pop Or is it snap crackle and puff nbsp Last month I was present as British journalist Christopher Hitchens huffed and puffed in a tirade against religion Hitchens as a leader of the new atheists brigade was proclaiming his message and promoting his new book God is Not Grea