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Arts & CultureBooks
Mike Mastromatteo
In 'Another Kind of Eden,' James Lee Burke offers literary speculations on the presence of evil in a fallen world—a post-Eden existence that nonetheless makes occasional stabs at goodness and light.
Arts & CultureBooks
Gregory Wolfe
With his new novel, Randy Boyagoda has added a witty, rambunctious and occasionally touching entry to the list of authors inspired by Dante.
Arts & CultureBooks
Sarah Vincent
Sister Jean, the beloved chaplain of Loyola Chicago's men's basketball team, has 103 years worth of stories to tell in her new memoir.
Arts & CultureBooks
Jill Rice
The genre that spawned “Bridgerton” is perhaps the least Catholic type of fiction available today, but its relationships are more Catholic than expected.
Arts & CultureBooks
Kaya Oakes
To face potential mortal illness with wry humor and a taste for the ironic takes a delicate touch, but that is what the United Church of Christ pastor and writer Molly Baskette does in her new book.
Arts & CultureBooks
David Gibson
In 'A History of Catholic Theological Ethics,' James Keenan, S.J., offers intellectual history with flesh and bones and a soul.