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Arts & CultureBooks
Eve Tushnet
Stephen Graham Jones's new novel creates an extraordinary portrait of sacrifice and costly reconciliation.
Arts & CultureBooks
Mike Mastromatteo
The stories in Valerie Sayers's new collection are populated with characters who strive to hang on to something good.
Arts & CultureBooks
Sarah Ramey in her new book: "My case went unsolved for fourteen years because no one would listen to me and the reason they would not listen to me is because I am a woman.”
Arts & CultureBooks
James T. Keane
Charlie Kaufman's debut novel is not for the faint of heart. But it rewards the effort to read through a story about self-perception and the internal monologues that rattle through all of our heads.
Arts & CultureBooks
Robert Rubsam
Jean Giono's narrators are often grounded in a kind of eternal present, where the coach will always run and a certain tree will always stand, moving us by degrees into the uneasy past of narrative.
Arts & CultureBooks
Jon M. Sweeney
Few artists in history have found as many devotees as Richard Wagner, for better or for worse.