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Arts & CultureBooks
Doug Girardot
Half memoir of farm life, half manifesto against modern agricultural practices, James Rebanks's 'Pastoral Song: A Farmer’s Journey' urges us to return to our agrarian roots.
Arts & CultureBooks
Nicholas D. Sawicki
In his new memoir, John W. O'Malley reflects on a life of priestly ministry and teaching, and offers lessons on how to live a scholarly life.
Arts & CultureBooks
Marguerite Keane
In 'Twelve Caesars,' Mary Beard analyzes the reception and adaptation of ancient Roman imperial portraits in Western European and American art from the 15th century to the present.
Arts & CultureBooks
Terence Sweeney
If contemplation and criticism can lead to imitation, then writing about the literary Christian left of the last century might help establish a literary Christian left for this century.
Arts & CultureBooks
Jenny Shank
In 'Monster in the Middle,' Tiphanie Yanique shows how the choice to love is always a leap of faith, a heedless plunge into the unknown.
Arts & CultureBooks
Patricia Lawler Kenet
The tale of a medieval woman’s decision to join the convent, Marj Charlier’s historical novel, 'The Rebel Nun,' resonates with many of the issues faced by the church in modern times.