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John E. Thiel
Elizabeth Johnson 8217 s theological talent has flourished in many ways much to the benefit of the academy and the church She is one of the co-creators of a modern theological genre feminist theology and her contributions to this genre one of the most exciting developments in the history of th
Cecilio Morales
Feeling discomfort fellow citizens Do you have a mild pain in the Congress and bloating in the White House Does globalization cause belching nausea or heartburn Here 8217 s something with a very low risk of side effects 8221 So the pharmaceutical industry might try to sell Robert Reich 82
Patrick Lang
In large part this book about U S -Iranian-Israeli international relations sets out to make a case for the progressive secularization of the post-revolutionary Iranian state In Treacherous Alliance Trita Parsi adjunct professor of international relations at Johns Hopkins University argues cogent
Emilie Griffin
For many readers Jim Forest is inextricably connected to The Catholic Worker movement which he joined in 1961 when he was a part-time student at Hunter College and after his discharge from the U S Navy as a conscientious objector In his earlier books he has written well about Dorothy Day Thomas
John F.Kavanaugh
In Lost in the Cosmos Walker Percy recounts an incident when the great neuroscientist Sir John Eccles was greeted by boos and hisses at a Harvard lecture Eccles had committed the unpardonable sin of claiming that human self-consciousness was not reducible to the biochemistry of the brain The host
Robert A. Krieg
Over the past five decades liberation theologians have stressed the notion of Christian practice or praxis Greek for doing that is the notion that being a disciple of Jesus Christ requires action that is congruent with the Gospel discloses its truth and transforms society According to Gustavo