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Arts & CultureBooks
Michael V. Tueth
A media professor at Marquette University Claire Hoertz Badaracco has already provided a valuable study of the interaction of media and religion in the collection of essays she edited in 2005 Quoting God How Media Shape Ideas About Religion and Culture She now adds the medical profession to the
Arts & CultureBooks
David Garrison
Though we seldom speak of Charles Wright as a religious poet at least not as we might discuss George Herbert or Gerard Manley Hopkins he is nevertheless among the most spiritual of American poets of the last 50 years His poetry is relentlessly attendant to the numinous 8220 I am 8221 he wri
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Robert P. Imbelli
Sidney Callahan's latest book, reviewed
Arts & CultureBooks
Peter R. Beckman
China seems to undergo dramatic change nearly every decade giving China watchers new stories to tell Joshua Kurlantzick a reporter with experience in Asia who is now a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace focuses on a new more nuanced and effective Chinese diplomac
Arts & CultureBooks
Constance M. McGovern
A new FDR biography, reviewed
Arts & CultureBooks
Gale Swiontkowski
In 2004 Franz Wright won the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry for Walking to Martha 8217 s Vineyard In 2006 Wright followed this success with God 8217 s Silence about which James S Torrens S J poetry editor of America has written in these pages 4 9 and which I consider brilliant 8212 many of